1. Age Requirements and permits
  1. The renter must be a holder of a valid driver’s license for a minimum of 1 year, that License must be presented upon the start of rental of the vehicle.
  2. Renter must be at least 20 years old for economy, compact, and mid-sized vehicles, and 23 years old for mid-size 4×4 and large 4×4

2. Credit card policy.

  1. The Renter must provide a credit card of which an imprint will be taken at the start of all rentals for security reasons, even when a voucher covers the cost of the entire rental. This credit card imprint may be used to pay all extra charges: insurance, extensions, parking tickets, damages, missing fuel, or any cost due to the use of the rented vehicle. The renter is liable for any damage caused to the vehicle or from the use of the vehicle that does not fall under the terms of the insurance. Such damage can be charged to the renter’s credit card provided at the beginning of the rental period. 
  2. If the renter does not return the car at the predetermined time according to the rental agreement, KONVIN reserves the right to reclaim the car by themselves or with the help of the police, at the renter’s expense, along with a rental fee for every day begun after the contract expiry date. Any extension to the timeframe of the rental agreement is subject to the consent of KONVIN. Such expenses can be charged to the renter’s credit card provided at the beginning of the rental period. 
  3. The Renter’s signature to this rental agreement equals the Renter’s signature to credit-card withdrawals in case of any payments that KONVIN charges against the Renter’s credit card and which KONVIN should rightfully receive on grounds of the provisions of this rental agreement. 
  4. The Renter shall pay for fuel and other costs needed to operate the vehicle during the period that the Renter is responsible for the vehicle, including any new damage found. Within the meaning of this Agreement, this period does not expire until KONVIN has registered the vehicle as received in his system, which registration can only be performed during the office hours of KONVIN.

3. Fuel policy.

  1. All cars will be rented out with a full tank of gas. Renters must return the car with a full tank of gas unless they have purchased the advance fuel deal. If in any case the renter does not return the car with a full tank and without having prepaid the fuel, the renter will be charged for the missing fuel according to Konvin/Volcano Car Rental pricelist. The current charge is 4000 ISK for each empty quarter of the tank on normal passenger vehicle and 5000 ISK for each quarter of the tank for 4x4 vehicles/vans

4. Service fees and penalties.

  1. Penalty fee for smoking in our vehicles is ISK 20.000. 
  2. The renter is responsible for paying for any parking tickets, road tolls or other incidental fees related to the usage of the car while under their responsibility. For any unpaid ticket, the Renter is subject to an additional service fee of ISK 5.000.
  3. Speeding fine: ISK 5.000 service fee for providing the authorities information on the renter.

5. Obligations of the Renter:

1. The Renter agrees to the provisions of this Rental Agreement and has received a copy hereof.

2. The Renter shall return the vehicle:

1. Together with all parts and accessories (including tires, tools, and Wi-fi) in the same condition as they were received by KONVIN, except for standard wear and tear owing to use; the Renter is liable for the cost of replacing any missing parts or accessories according to the KONVIN Auto price list.

2. On the date specified under the terms of this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed later.

3. To the premises of KONVIN, unless otherwise agreed.

3. If the Renter fails to return the vehicle at the time agreed in this Agreement or fails to declare his intention to extend the rental period, KONVIN or the police may repossess the vehicle without further notice and at the cost of the Renter. Extended rental is subject to the approval of KONVIN Auto. If the Renter returns the vehicle 59 minutes or more after the expiry of the Agreement, KONVIN may demand up to a full day‘s rental charge under the terms hereof. For each day begun thereafter, KONVIN may levy charges pursuant to his tariff.

4. The vehicle shall be handled and driven carefully. Only those registered as authorized drivers on the front page of this Agreement are permitted to drive the vehicle. The Renter is liable for all damages to a third party or their property that will not be compensated for by KONVIN‘s insurance company.

5. The Renter may not engage in the following activities:

1. Driving on roads marked F on official maps as well as Kjalavegur road and through Kaldidalur valley except for 4WD (four-wheel drive) vehicles which KONVIN agrees are suitable for driving on such roads. In the event of violation of the provisions of this sub-paragraph, KONVIN may impose a fine to the amount of 150.000 ISK. The above provision on fines does not affect the liability of the Renter to pay for damages.

2. Driving in or across rivers or any kind of water course. This prohibition does not apply to vehicles which KONVIN agrees are suitable for such driving, but such driving is always the responsibility of the Renter, cf. insurance terms and conditions.

3. Use of the vehicle that contravenes Icelandic law and/or the provisions hereof.

4. The renter cannot take the car anywhere outside of Iceland without written and signed permission from KONVIN Car Rental.

6. In the event of a collision or accident, the Renter shall immediately notify the appropriate police authorities (Emergency phone number - 112) as well as KONVIN (+354 416 5000) of the incident, and the Renter shall not leave the scene before the police have arrived or a damage report has been filled out. The Renter shallimmediately fill out a damage report if damage occurs. If the Renter fails to report damage, he shall be fully liable for it. A replacement vehicle is at the discretion of KONVIN and cannot be guaranteed.

7. If KONVIN needs to collect the vehicle, or have it collected, owing to a collision or an accident, the Renter shall bear all costs thereof pursuant to the tariff of the KONVIN Car Rental at each time according to the lessor’s pricelist.

8. The Renter may not have repairs performed or modify the vehicle or its accessories or permit any pledge of the vehicle as security unless having contacted KONVIN and being given the permit to do so from KONVIN.

9. The Renter may not use the vehicle to transport passengers against payment, lend it, or sublease it.

6. Obligations of KONVIN:

  1. KONVIN will make every effort to deliver the vehicle at the agreed time and to ensure that it meets the requirements made upon it.
  2. If the vehicle malfunctions owing to wear or other reasons for which the Renter is not responsible, KONVIN shall supply the Renter with another vehicle as soon as possible or ensure that a repair is completed as soon as possible at the location specified by the Renter. The above does not affect the payment of the rent or any other charges payable by the Renter hereunder. KONVIN Car Rental pays no damages in cases such as provided here above, neither for accommodation nor other reasons.
  3. KONVIN shall acquaint the Renter with the subject matter of this Agreement, particularly the obligations undertaken by the Renter upon signature hereof.
  4. If KONVIN wishes to limit the use of the vehicle regarding its equipment and/or condition, such limits shall be established in writing upon signature hereof.
  5. KONVIN undertakes to always hold professional indemnity insurance.
  6. KONVIN shall not be responsible for the disappearance of or damage to items that the Renter or any other party stores or transports in the vehicle.

7. General Provisions:

  1. The Renter confirms with their signature on this rental agreement that they received the vehicle and attachments in sound condition and has pointed out any inconsistencies to a member of KONVIN staff.
  2. This Rental Agreement shall be always kept in the vehicle during the rental period.
  3. Annexes and amendments to the terms and conditions thereof shall be made in writing.
  4. KONVIN may debit the bank card or credit card of the Renter for the rental charge and other costs payable by the Renter hereunder, such as payments in respect of damage to the vehicle while in the possession of the Renter. The time of payment and whether it is to be made in lump sum shall be the sole discretion of KONVIN. This right shall remain unaffected for 6 months following the return of the vehicle to KONVIN.
  5. Compensation claims made against the Renter can be subject to a minimum 20% surcharge of the disputed amounts, covering any collection/legal fees sustained by KONVIN
  6. Agreements concluded based on the above terms and conditions, including possible claims for compensation that may be made, as applicable, shall be governed by Icelandic law. This applies both to the basis and calculation of compensation. The same applies to claims for compensation based on non-contractual iability. In the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the case shall be brought in the venue of KONVIN.
  7. Any disputes between the parties to this rental agreement can be submitted to the active Arbitration committee of the Icelandic Consumers Association and the Icelandic Travel Industry Association.

8. Insurance policy

Third party liability (TPL) is equivalent to the amount stipulated by Icelandic law at each time. This also applies to the amount of individual driver liability.

  1. Third party coverage and personal accident insurance is automatically included in your rental and in the self-risk

  2. The standard liability for CDW is 350.000 ISK, 35.000 ISK for TPL, 150.000 ISK for WP and ZERO ISK for GP.If for some reason, the renter causes damages to a third-party vehicle, the third-party liability is a total of ISK 35.000 sk liability amount mentioned below.

  3. Collision damage waiver is included in all prices. Self-excess for CDW is ISK 350.000

  4. Self-excess for Gold SCDW is ISK 150.000 and Platinum is ISK 0

  5. Windshield protection (WP) - covers the vehicle against damages to the windscreen. Wind screen excess is ISK 20.000 Gravel protection (GP) covers the vehicle against damages to the paint on bumpers, hood and doors caused by a passing vehicle (Excluding the windshield).

  6. Tire protection covers the vehicle for flat tires, Self-excess for TP is ISK 90.000 if purchased the Gold package and ISK 0 if purchased with Platinum package

  7. Theft protection covers the vehicle for theft and is included in all rentals.(does not count towards personal belongings) Sand and ash protection covers the vehicle against damages caused by volcanic ash and sandstorms. Self-excess for SAAP is ISK 90.000 if purchased the Gold package and ISK 0 if purchased with Platinum package.

  8. KONVIN Gold (KG) The Gold package includes all insurances in one bundle and the self-excess is ISK 150.000 for Collision Damage Waiver and Sand and Ash Protection, Windshield damage & Tire Damage down to 90.000 ISK and everything else is down to 0 ISK.

  9. KONVIN Platinum (KP) Platinum insurance includes all insurances in one bundle with 0 ISK self-excess.

9. The following are not covered by any insurance:

The Renter is fully liable for the full repair amounts as well as any indirect costs such as transportation/recovery fees, restoration to third party or anything else that might be connected to the below actions:

  • Intentional damage or damage due to gross negligence on the part of the driver
  • Damage resulting from the driver being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants, or sedatives, or in any other way incapable of driving the vehicle in a safe manner.
  • Damage due to race or test driving
  • Damages resulting from driving in places where vehicle traffic is banned, such as paths, tracks, banks of snow, ice, unabridged rivers or streams, beaches, places only accessible at low tide, or other trackless area
  • Damage due to natural forces, war, revolution, civil unrest, or riots.
  • Damage caused by strong winds blowing up the doors while opening them
  • Holes burned into seats, carpets, or mats
  • Damage to vehicles caused by driving where prohibited by law as explained above at point 6.5 in the Obligations of the Renter.
  • Damage caused to the tires, chassis and undercarriage of a vehicle and water damage caused by driving in rivers, lakes, or the sea.
  • These can be caused by driving recklessly on rough roads, damaging the vehicle´s transmission or other parts that are in or attached to the chassis, by scraping the bottom of the car on ridges left by road graders, on stones lodged in the road surface or riverbanks or on the shoulder of the road. The same applies to damage occurring when stones are thrown up, striking the underside of the vehicle during driving.
  • Pumping wrong fuel in the tank
  • Damage caused to the roof of the vehicle by irresponsible actions such as climbing on top of the car, putting heavy objects on the roof or any other negligent behavior that is not a direct result of an accident or force majeure event.
  • Damage done by animals
  • Damage to or loss of accessories such as: car keys, WIFI hotspot, GPS unit, kitchen utensils, sleeping bags, chairs, table, roof box or roof tents

10. Vehicle Tracking system.

KONVIN rental vehicles may be equipped with a tracking system. System that monitors various aspects of the vehicle's performance and operation, including but not limited to location, speed, and engine diagnostics. By renting a vehicle from KONVIN, you acknowledge and consent to the following:

  • Data Collection: The Artic Track system will collect and transmit data related to the vehicle’s usage. This data includes, but is not limited to, the vehicle's geographical location, speed, and operational status.
  • Use of Data: The collected data will be used for purposes such as ensuring the safety and security of the vehicle, monitoring compliance with the rental agreement, and facilitating roadside assistance. Additionally, this data may be used to improve our services and vehicle maintenance protocols.
  • Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. The data collected will be stored securely and will only be accessed by authorized personnel. We will not disclose this data to third parties except as required by law or as necessary to enforce the terms of the rental agreement.
  • Compliance: By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to operate the rental vehicle in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. You also agree not to tamper with, disable, or interfere with the Artic Track system in any way. Responsibility: You are responsible for any violations, fines, or damages that result from the use of the rental vehicle. The data collected by the Artic Track system may be used as evidence in the event of any disputes or violations.

11. Cancel and Reserve policy.

  1. Cancellations made more than one week before the rental starts is 100% fully refundable.
  2. Cancellations made less than one week before the rental starts is 90% refundable. Service charge is 10% of total price.
  3. No-show or cancellations made within 24 hours before rental starts are not refundable in any way.
  4. To guarantee a reservation KONVIN requires a valid credit card which will be charged at the time of your booking.